Thursday, November 18, 2010

Family Reunion Cruise

A point on our journey!

We continue to struggle! Here is a recap
history or place it is!

14/12/2010 * * Edit the

Our individual actions :

- Ivory Coast: Full Record sent on 22/10/10. It is hoped to take the next Committee to be held on 06/12/10 or 06/01/11. Edit: December Commission canceled due to events ....

- Congo Brazzaville: Full Record sent 22/10/10. We have to wait!

- Central: We contacted a lawyer on site in early November which is responsible for verifying whether our case may result.

- Guinea-Conakry have also had contact with a local lawyer who agrees to help us. Current folder. The OAA


- It was selected for an interview in 2011 by family life. We'll keep our fingers crossed!

- Negative: FAF (French Adoptive Families), Children Futures Solidarity Fraternity, Medecins du Monde, diaphanous, Children of Hope, Work of Lille, Work of Montauban, orchids, Pauline Anaelle, Path of Life.

- The OAA who asked to be contacted again later: Children of the World, The Cause, Work of Cognac and Sunshine, Children's Mercy Queen of the end of February.

- appointment made with the Edelweiss 14/01/11 for an interview. Repulsed.

- Pending Response: The Work of Marseille.

So in summary, Cote d'Ivoire, Congo Brazzaville and Central!
Here! It clings in all cases!!
A full-time real job !!!!!


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