blurry-political, non-professional
here here asking for help, ie, fill in the questionnaire:
profile of the number of open and deep - that is, when you can just write a little essay on a given topic. questions may seem "wrong" - but that's because you should not try to guess what was the author trying to say, because the author did not say tries, and ask.
I, of course, with his love to write essays, he could not answer) will publish the answers here:
well. What is the mission or role Russia?
*** in my opinion, the mission of the country can only be if it (the mission) is in that group of individuals who are in power. Then this group of individuals may later, the mission of the "top" to the country and force / encourage / "dilute" the people working on this mission. Sometimes the mission is called "national idea". Power groups may itself not to share this idea, but it could still use it for their own purposes.
- now Russia has a clear mission, no
b. Did the peoples of the USSR overall mission?
- in the USSR such a mission is the global transformation of humanity into a communist utopia in
. Did peoples of the Russian empire general mission?
- the Russian Empire such missions are Orthodox Empire, "" Third Rome. " But it is in the Empire, not her "people" - a "peoples" in the empire, such things do not ask
city where they go?
- now those missions are gone, because they disappeared power groups that were able to these missions support
well. Have ready the nations of the Russian Empire to assimilate to Russian?
- in my opinion, for the most part - yes, be ready
b. How do they her attitude?
- because the majority of people connected to the Russian Empire, were comparatively backward (except for any day of the Poles), then treated, most likely, with some nadezhdnoy to improve the lives of
. Does the best?
- I think they thought (as represented by those representatives, who had the talent generally think about such matters)
g. As they challenge it?
- those few people who by reason of its own developed culture (Polish) or some other reason (the Chechens), resisted assimilation, staged armed revolts and mutinies. Others, it seems, did not resist.
etc. That meant "Russian of a certain origin" as applied to non-Russian official or officer?
- I think that nothing special is meant as all the officials and officers were quite domesticated Russian influence, and the ethnic Russian did not differ
well. Is it enough to do Russian to spread their culture?
- more than enough
b. What else should it do?
- to improve their own culture even more
in. What was the response to the spread of Russian culture among foreigners?
- again - if "the Poles and the Chechens", a negative, and the rest - positive
Mr. Could aliens be the bearers of Russian culture?
- of course, could
etc. What are the layers of non-Russian population wanted it?
- better educated - that is, those for whom Russian culture opened new career or creative perspectives
well. Can there be mutual obligations between nations?
- are possible to the same extent that such duties as may be between individuals (in the form of laws or morality)
b. When?
- if some authoritative group that wants and is able to impose its will force (or propaganda, but it is also a form of force)
in. Was this in the history of Russia?
- Russia and the USSR
well. Can the warmth and friendliness of the mutual relations between nations?
- are possible to the same extent that the laws and morality may be adopted voluntarily and not under penalty of perjury and / or isolation.
b. When?
- difficult to answer in
. Was this in the history of Russia?
- hard to say (I would like to believe that, yes, but it is difficult to prove)
well. Welcomed you would mutual assistance and mutual support between the nations?
- yes
b. Was this in the history of Russia?
- I think that yes
well. Was the "friendship of peoples" in the Soviet while real and what is it?
- I think that was. This is an example of the case when the authorities themselves can not believe in this "national idea", but the broad mass of more or less accept, and what may begin as a hoax, it is true, at least for those who believe, and his life embodies this idea.
b. How to respond to the "friendship of peoples" other peoples of Russia, and whether it was beneficial to them and why?
- was profitable, but different people react in different ways: who simply use the resources and who is honest friend
in. Why the "friendship of peoples" was needed Russian? Where are the friendship of the peoples?
- then just why is it is needed for individuals. Had gone to the same - one has ceased to be profitable, while others simply fell out, as happens in humans.
well. Did you have resentment that the other peoples of the USSR want us to secede (or if you were a child then, how do you think would you have resentment)?
- was a child - but resentment remember distinctly
b. Like a Russian department from other nations?
- here it is, I know not if they wanted, then this is the level of the "truth of life" which a child is difficult to access.
in. Aware of it?
- no
city do you think, whether other people were offended that the Russian wanted to secede from them?
- I do not know
etc. How do you imagine the complex feelings towards each other at that time?
- I think that a sense of internationalism and brotherhood of peoples "were stronger than in Russia, and the mood of separatism was stronger in themselves, "fraternal peoples."
e. Was the collapse of the Union of spontaneous phenomenon?
- say, 70% spontaneous (as genetic disease), and 30% do not ("poisoned enemies" - but had every right to it under the rules of the game)
well. Happened in some CIS republics disaster or military aggression against it, whether or not help it?
- on a personal level - a personal decision. At the state - is even worth it, if appropriate and meets the political and economic benefits for Russia.
b. What it might be help?
- on a personal level - until the entry into volunteer Militia, in the state - the military and / or diplomatic, to strengthen its influence and prestige in this country.
in. What behavior you would expect in this case from the government, and some - of the population of the republic?
- impossible to predict, it really depends on what exactly Republic it may be, and by whom aggression.
well. In some cases, the CIS peoples deserve protection and security?
- in cases where they are a victim unprovoked aggression, and when it is appropriate and meets the political and economic benefits for Russia.
well. Why not develop New models of friendly relations between the Russian and other peoples living in Russia?
- I think that they are produced, but just not very effectively
well. Do you think that is possible to create such conditions, when the Russian and other peoples living in Russia, will treat each other friendly?
- perhaps
b. What are these conditions?
- appalling conditions eliminate corruption in government and law enforcement and judicial systems
in. What you need to do?
- I do not know
city Would you like that?
- yes
well. What behavior is required for this from Russian?
- I think that there is no special behavior at the level of the people is required - just at the level of power that it has ceased to interfere
b. What behavior is required for this from people living in Russia?
- the same thing, in the absence of total corruption all fall into place more or less "self", according to some internal natural laws the existence of human communities: or "for love" or "do not know how - to teach, do not want - make", but all the problems be arranged in
. Could they be a new overall mission?
- may (but is not necessarily so, what I would consider good and / or desirable
was there any people with whom the overall mission in principle be can not or maybe just the opposite direction to the mission?
think there are - those that are very serious cultural differences, or too many tragedies in the past (as the Chechens)
etc. It is evident now or was before?
- both now and before - although it is increased (eg two recent Chechen wars)
is, Do people in Russia, the CIS, in a world with which we are predisposed to the overall mission?
- yes - those with whom we are culturally closest
there. It appears now or seen before?
- observed earlier
well. Does you in person of another nationality knowledge of his native culture?
- yes
b. Interesting whether to communicate with him?
- yes
well. How weaknesses of contemporary Russian nationalism?
- he does not have enough of the very solid "national idea"
well. What are disadvantages of the modern Russian imperialism?
- same as above, only an idea, which is not, it's not national, but "imperial"
well. Is there a connection between the mission of Russia within its limits and its missions abroad? Is there
with the special mission of the non-Russian peoples, in one way or another connected with Russia?
- scrolled on what is to come up with a mission. If any of Juche, there is no connection, if the "world revolution" - ie. The same applies to non-Russian peoples - first should determine the mission.
well. Can we consider relations with Serbia ideal alliance?
- I do not know
b. What you do not have enough on our part and by the Serbs?
- I do not know
well. Do I need to help Africa's poorest countries?
- no
well. What would you like to relations with Latin America?
- importantly - mutual
well. Is there a mission from the U.S.?
- almost the same as that of the Soviet Union, just with other technologies (free-market democracy, and instead planned economy and totalitarian socialism)
b. What is it?
- to lead mankind to the social and economic harmony (as the U.S., it currently is)
in. How does it compare with the mission of Russia?
- it coincided with the mission of the USSR, if we assume that Russia has about the same mission, it is identical in purpose, but may vary in the methods
was possible soyuznichat with America?
- yes
etc. As U.S. influence on Russia?
- America reminds us that civil society, where, in general, respect human rights - is in general a good thing. She also gives us competition, which is usually helpful.
well. Is there a mission in Europe?
- I think it can be stated as follows: Europe is the USA with much richer history and more ancient culture, where each state is much more independent. But the mission is about tazhe.
b. What is it?
- The mission - also to "teach people to live," just a bit of a different configuration, it is not the same as the U.S.. Minor changes - A little more emphasis on culture and history, ecology and even elements of socialism.
in. How does it compare with the mission of Russia?
- once again - like the USSR, although the methods others, but with modern Russia are difficult to compare because of lack of a clear "mission" in the latter.
was possible soyuznichat with Europe or with the individual European countries?
- yes
etc. What is it?
- with all the EU as a whole - of course, with an emphasis on Eastern Europe, where the influence is traditionally stronger.
e. Do these countries, the mission, some from Europe as a whole?
- I do not think that European Union countries remained some solo missions
there. What was a mission in Europe in ancient times, and whether that had to give up?
- a very very "old" days, Europe was the center of civilization, which has now become global. To me personally, of course, European culture is closer than many others - so I regret that Europe is no longer declares itself as a source of culture for around the world, but according to play a role as one of equal points, I still think that the history of some state or culture can be "equitable" others, and should not be this shy.
is. Could it be carried out in those conditions Alliance and why?
- in the "old days"? Could, in so far as culture was one (European). But after the Soviet Union is a cultural unity was a major extent been lost.
and. As Europe and individual European countries affect Russia?
- just as the U.S. - but not so painful, so I want to believe that the more useful.
k. What can we do together?
- do not know what _mozhem_ - and we would like, for example, see the new European renaissance, with Russia among the participants.
well. Who can in principle be soyuznichat?
- in principle - to anyone - until such time as Benefits
b. Who in principle soyuznichat not?
- those whose purpose (moral, ethical, economic - any) conflict with yours - because it is in the final eventually serve as a detriment. Is it just so very lucky, and they can be deceiving.
in. Why should soyuznichat?
- to achieve the objectives, of course!
well. Would you like to lead Russia in the world?
- not, in any case, not the Russia we see today.
b. How can this be achieved?
- today - fortunately, does
in. Does this make sense?
- it seems to me that there was
What do you consider a zone of Russian influence?
- I think the entire territory of pre-revolutionary Russian Empire can be regarded as such
etc. As for this include the peoples living there?
- someone likes, someone does not like it, do not think many people have serious problems with Russia per se, but rather they have a problem with the current Russian barbaric bureaucracy - well, as she and Russian very unhappy!
, it has Do you value it?
- yes, I want all the Russian love, and that they themselves loved, and that to the fact there was no obstacle (and now a lot of them)
there. Like poprivlekatelney look like?
- of course
well. Would you like to recreate in one form or another of the Russian empire?
- as a beautiful dream and fantasy - Yes
b. Is this possible?
- I think that there is no
in. What you need to do?
- better to bring that Russia, which is in its normal state, rather than spending time and power on the fancy
well. Is it possible to CIS republics wanted to re-enter into the Russian Empire? That this should they change? What's can make a Russian?
- it is very doubtful. To do this, not in them, but we must do something to change, mainly, the same parasite and bloated bureaucracy and power structures must change. But here I do not know whether Russian to do so, or we are already at the stage where, without aid or a major disaster is unachievable.
well. As the fulfillment of Russia's mission abroad (in the far and near abroad) affects the performance of its mission within its borders and within the zone of influence of Russia?
- no external mission - except to serve as a scapegoat for its neighbors - is impossible without running the internal a mission to save from the existing difficult problems
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