Friday, February 25, 2011
South Park Kennys Soul Is Trapped
here here asking for help, ie, fill in the questionnaire:
profile of the number of open and deep - that is, when you can just write a little essay on a given topic. questions may seem "wrong" - but that's because you should not try to guess what was the author trying to say, because the author did not say tries, and ask.
I, of course, with his love to write essays, he could not answer) will publish the answers here:
well. What is the mission or role Russia?
*** in my opinion, the mission of the country can only be if it (the mission) is in that group of individuals who are in power. Then this group of individuals may later, the mission of the "top" to the country and force / encourage / "dilute" the people working on this mission. Sometimes the mission is called "national idea". Power groups may itself not to share this idea, but it could still use it for their own purposes.
- now Russia has a clear mission, no
b. Did the peoples of the USSR overall mission?
- in the USSR such a mission is the global transformation of humanity into a communist utopia in
. Did peoples of the Russian empire general mission?
- the Russian Empire such missions are Orthodox Empire, "" Third Rome. " But it is in the Empire, not her "people" - a "peoples" in the empire, such things do not ask
city where they go?
- now those missions are gone, because they disappeared power groups that were able to these missions support
well. Have ready the nations of the Russian Empire to assimilate to Russian?
- in my opinion, for the most part - yes, be ready
b. How do they her attitude?
- because the majority of people connected to the Russian Empire, were comparatively backward (except for any day of the Poles), then treated, most likely, with some nadezhdnoy to improve the lives of
. Does the best?
- I think they thought (as represented by those representatives, who had the talent generally think about such matters)
g. As they challenge it?
- those few people who by reason of its own developed culture (Polish) or some other reason (the Chechens), resisted assimilation, staged armed revolts and mutinies. Others, it seems, did not resist.
etc. That meant "Russian of a certain origin" as applied to non-Russian official or officer?
- I think that nothing special is meant as all the officials and officers were quite domesticated Russian influence, and the ethnic Russian did not differ
well. Is it enough to do Russian to spread their culture?
- more than enough
b. What else should it do?
- to improve their own culture even more
in. What was the response to the spread of Russian culture among foreigners?
- again - if "the Poles and the Chechens", a negative, and the rest - positive
Mr. Could aliens be the bearers of Russian culture?
- of course, could
etc. What are the layers of non-Russian population wanted it?
- better educated - that is, those for whom Russian culture opened new career or creative perspectives
well. Can there be mutual obligations between nations?
- are possible to the same extent that such duties as may be between individuals (in the form of laws or morality)
b. When?
- if some authoritative group that wants and is able to impose its will force (or propaganda, but it is also a form of force)
in. Was this in the history of Russia?
- Russia and the USSR
well. Can the warmth and friendliness of the mutual relations between nations?
- are possible to the same extent that the laws and morality may be adopted voluntarily and not under penalty of perjury and / or isolation.
b. When?
- difficult to answer in
. Was this in the history of Russia?
- hard to say (I would like to believe that, yes, but it is difficult to prove)
well. Welcomed you would mutual assistance and mutual support between the nations?
- yes
b. Was this in the history of Russia?
- I think that yes
well. Was the "friendship of peoples" in the Soviet while real and what is it?
- I think that was. This is an example of the case when the authorities themselves can not believe in this "national idea", but the broad mass of more or less accept, and what may begin as a hoax, it is true, at least for those who believe, and his life embodies this idea.
b. How to respond to the "friendship of peoples" other peoples of Russia, and whether it was beneficial to them and why?
- was profitable, but different people react in different ways: who simply use the resources and who is honest friend
in. Why the "friendship of peoples" was needed Russian? Where are the friendship of the peoples?
- then just why is it is needed for individuals. Had gone to the same - one has ceased to be profitable, while others simply fell out, as happens in humans.
well. Did you have resentment that the other peoples of the USSR want us to secede (or if you were a child then, how do you think would you have resentment)?
- was a child - but resentment remember distinctly
b. Like a Russian department from other nations?
- here it is, I know not if they wanted, then this is the level of the "truth of life" which a child is difficult to access.
in. Aware of it?
- no
city do you think, whether other people were offended that the Russian wanted to secede from them?
- I do not know
etc. How do you imagine the complex feelings towards each other at that time?
- I think that a sense of internationalism and brotherhood of peoples "were stronger than in Russia, and the mood of separatism was stronger in themselves, "fraternal peoples."
e. Was the collapse of the Union of spontaneous phenomenon?
- say, 70% spontaneous (as genetic disease), and 30% do not ("poisoned enemies" - but had every right to it under the rules of the game)
well. Happened in some CIS republics disaster or military aggression against it, whether or not help it?
- on a personal level - a personal decision. At the state - is even worth it, if appropriate and meets the political and economic benefits for Russia.
b. What it might be help?
- on a personal level - until the entry into volunteer Militia, in the state - the military and / or diplomatic, to strengthen its influence and prestige in this country.
in. What behavior you would expect in this case from the government, and some - of the population of the republic?
- impossible to predict, it really depends on what exactly Republic it may be, and by whom aggression.
well. In some cases, the CIS peoples deserve protection and security?
- in cases where they are a victim unprovoked aggression, and when it is appropriate and meets the political and economic benefits for Russia.
well. Why not develop New models of friendly relations between the Russian and other peoples living in Russia?
- I think that they are produced, but just not very effectively
well. Do you think that is possible to create such conditions, when the Russian and other peoples living in Russia, will treat each other friendly?
- perhaps
b. What are these conditions?
- appalling conditions eliminate corruption in government and law enforcement and judicial systems
in. What you need to do?
- I do not know
city Would you like that?
- yes
well. What behavior is required for this from Russian?
- I think that there is no special behavior at the level of the people is required - just at the level of power that it has ceased to interfere
b. What behavior is required for this from people living in Russia?
- the same thing, in the absence of total corruption all fall into place more or less "self", according to some internal natural laws the existence of human communities: or "for love" or "do not know how - to teach, do not want - make", but all the problems be arranged in
. Could they be a new overall mission?
- may (but is not necessarily so, what I would consider good and / or desirable
was there any people with whom the overall mission in principle be can not or maybe just the opposite direction to the mission?
think there are - those that are very serious cultural differences, or too many tragedies in the past (as the Chechens)
etc. It is evident now or was before?
- both now and before - although it is increased (eg two recent Chechen wars)
is, Do people in Russia, the CIS, in a world with which we are predisposed to the overall mission?
- yes - those with whom we are culturally closest
there. It appears now or seen before?
- observed earlier
well. Does you in person of another nationality knowledge of his native culture?
- yes
b. Interesting whether to communicate with him?
- yes
well. How weaknesses of contemporary Russian nationalism?
- he does not have enough of the very solid "national idea"
well. What are disadvantages of the modern Russian imperialism?
- same as above, only an idea, which is not, it's not national, but "imperial"
well. Is there a connection between the mission of Russia within its limits and its missions abroad? Is there
with the special mission of the non-Russian peoples, in one way or another connected with Russia?
- scrolled on what is to come up with a mission. If any of Juche, there is no connection, if the "world revolution" - ie. The same applies to non-Russian peoples - first should determine the mission.
well. Can we consider relations with Serbia ideal alliance?
- I do not know
b. What you do not have enough on our part and by the Serbs?
- I do not know
well. Do I need to help Africa's poorest countries?
- no
well. What would you like to relations with Latin America?
- importantly - mutual
well. Is there a mission from the U.S.?
- almost the same as that of the Soviet Union, just with other technologies (free-market democracy, and instead planned economy and totalitarian socialism)
b. What is it?
- to lead mankind to the social and economic harmony (as the U.S., it currently is)
in. How does it compare with the mission of Russia?
- it coincided with the mission of the USSR, if we assume that Russia has about the same mission, it is identical in purpose, but may vary in the methods
was possible soyuznichat with America?
- yes
etc. As U.S. influence on Russia?
- America reminds us that civil society, where, in general, respect human rights - is in general a good thing. She also gives us competition, which is usually helpful.
well. Is there a mission in Europe?
- I think it can be stated as follows: Europe is the USA with much richer history and more ancient culture, where each state is much more independent. But the mission is about tazhe.
b. What is it?
- The mission - also to "teach people to live," just a bit of a different configuration, it is not the same as the U.S.. Minor changes - A little more emphasis on culture and history, ecology and even elements of socialism.
in. How does it compare with the mission of Russia?
- once again - like the USSR, although the methods others, but with modern Russia are difficult to compare because of lack of a clear "mission" in the latter.
was possible soyuznichat with Europe or with the individual European countries?
- yes
etc. What is it?
- with all the EU as a whole - of course, with an emphasis on Eastern Europe, where the influence is traditionally stronger.
e. Do these countries, the mission, some from Europe as a whole?
- I do not think that European Union countries remained some solo missions
there. What was a mission in Europe in ancient times, and whether that had to give up?
- a very very "old" days, Europe was the center of civilization, which has now become global. To me personally, of course, European culture is closer than many others - so I regret that Europe is no longer declares itself as a source of culture for around the world, but according to play a role as one of equal points, I still think that the history of some state or culture can be "equitable" others, and should not be this shy.
is. Could it be carried out in those conditions Alliance and why?
- in the "old days"? Could, in so far as culture was one (European). But after the Soviet Union is a cultural unity was a major extent been lost.
and. As Europe and individual European countries affect Russia?
- just as the U.S. - but not so painful, so I want to believe that the more useful.
k. What can we do together?
- do not know what _mozhem_ - and we would like, for example, see the new European renaissance, with Russia among the participants.
well. Who can in principle be soyuznichat?
- in principle - to anyone - until such time as Benefits
b. Who in principle soyuznichat not?
- those whose purpose (moral, ethical, economic - any) conflict with yours - because it is in the final eventually serve as a detriment. Is it just so very lucky, and they can be deceiving.
in. Why should soyuznichat?
- to achieve the objectives, of course!
well. Would you like to lead Russia in the world?
- not, in any case, not the Russia we see today.
b. How can this be achieved?
- today - fortunately, does
in. Does this make sense?
- it seems to me that there was
What do you consider a zone of Russian influence?
- I think the entire territory of pre-revolutionary Russian Empire can be regarded as such
etc. As for this include the peoples living there?
- someone likes, someone does not like it, do not think many people have serious problems with Russia per se, but rather they have a problem with the current Russian barbaric bureaucracy - well, as she and Russian very unhappy!
, it has Do you value it?
- yes, I want all the Russian love, and that they themselves loved, and that to the fact there was no obstacle (and now a lot of them)
there. Like poprivlekatelney look like?
- of course
well. Would you like to recreate in one form or another of the Russian empire?
- as a beautiful dream and fantasy - Yes
b. Is this possible?
- I think that there is no
in. What you need to do?
- better to bring that Russia, which is in its normal state, rather than spending time and power on the fancy
well. Is it possible to CIS republics wanted to re-enter into the Russian Empire? That this should they change? What's can make a Russian?
- it is very doubtful. To do this, not in them, but we must do something to change, mainly, the same parasite and bloated bureaucracy and power structures must change. But here I do not know whether Russian to do so, or we are already at the stage where, without aid or a major disaster is unachievable.
well. As the fulfillment of Russia's mission abroad (in the far and near abroad) affects the performance of its mission within its borders and within the zone of influence of Russia?
- no external mission - except to serve as a scapegoat for its neighbors - is impossible without running the internal a mission to save from the existing difficult problems
Sample Veronica Moser
large, but very interesting article from last Snob .
who watched the movie "The Barber of Siberia," remembers the episode when a character actor Menshikov absolutely no control over their actions and pay for it.
So, scientists explain this behavior so that the brain controls the body itself uncontrolled rights.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Dining Table Placemats
rzhu like crazy
is the best meme in the history of the Internet, I guarantee it
wonderful fusion - there spambots, and Cthulhu, and Anonymus, in general, all intertwined. absolute perfection and removal of the brain
Brent Corrigan Cobra Clips
Misha pretends that he can not distinguish Notebook Quiz on the test in math, but we understand it:
Any sober person long obviously that "Western" education in schools is at best third in the list of priorities. In the first two places - police function and socialization. То есть, чтобы дети и подростки были под надзором, пока мама-папа с работы не придут, и ничего не учинили опасного; и чтобы дети знали, как себя вести на улице, в store, and then in the office, if they are lucky to get there. And some sort of "knowledge" to work in the office and do not particularly. It is therefore understandable why the third place, but not the second.
And here it becomes clear what Notebook Quiz (as well as television and football) to address more important social problem, not a math test.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Expressing Sympathy Conversations
terribly moving pictures on "USSR-2061"
in a coffin, I saw the Soviet Union, of course, but still it was pleasant to watch))
Whats A Good Nursing Grabber?
two in a row man post it in the tape the same link with the same one-word commentary. in, I think, broke both of them, or what? I go to his - and there it is! reached for the damned SOUP ...
though, of course, it's not soup, and I did - now wonder here. went for no apparent suspicious links, but still there on the button pressed. kinda, like, sucker!
in fact, the author should say thank you - reminded how fragile this electronic world, and nothing for not picked up (I think)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Commercial Soak Tanks
after moving to a new apartment it is much easier to get to church - even though we live twice as far, the path was twice as fast. First, the express bus, and secondly, walking to the bus stop three minutes, not fifteen. Third, runs every fifteen minutes, not half an hour.
But the most interesting is not it, but then, what characters are in it go. Route from relatively poor and disadvantaged in the northern region of the most controversial and still more prosperous part of town, from the first trip caught in his eyes as sharply differ from those passengers, which I watched on two routes, I've used so far.
wife are a little nervous about, and I like this hipster, I say that on the contrary - "colorful!"
way, for those who are worried - his wife thought a couple of weeks and canceled the experiment with vegetarianism)
How To Make A Dune Buggy Street Legal In Texas
company e-RENT has made five-door crossover and needs help bloggers to finalize the body of the youth SUV. Do you like?
Voting is here .
2007 Chevy Suburban Tire Sensor Learn Mode
So Tverskaya Boulevard looked 100 years ago. A building that now houses the ONEXIM Group, was the bank.
PS And our entrance such .))
PPS Now this place looks like this:
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Birthday Invitation Wording Siblings
"Band of Brothers" - a little sad song for a holiday on February 23.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
How Do I Replace Batteries Electric Shaver
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Can You Go To Work With Whiplash
In connection with the offer Norilsk Nickel, Rusal, Mikhail Prokhorov, expressed his opinion:
"I believe that RUSAL advantageous to take an offer to sell 20% stake in Norilsk Nickel. The situation is obviously at an impasse, and one of the parties must decide on the withdrawal. I believe that the proposed at a premium to market price at 12.8 billion dollars the fair value of the package. The sale of these shares will significantly reduce the debt burden RUSAL and increase the value of the company. ONEXIM intends to support this proposal. "
Carol Retractable Cord
beautiful formulation of a series that, when a taste you can begin to argue:
I read and I think that's the person who wrote that he did not like the Emelin - it can be an error of taste, a man who says he likes Dragomoschenko - it may be an error of taste. But the man who says he does not like Emelin, and like Dragomoschenko should go to the Ebony mother - to speak with him about literature is impossible. How to formalize? Nothing.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Lactase Reaction Clipart
Innovations, a departure from the standard technologies - this is what easily perceive the students of technical colleges, for example, such as the Bauman. Bauman. Of course, now the "e-mobiles" are perceived as something unreal, but if young people would support, in the near future, the introduction of new technologies will be straightforward and common:))
So Aniskevich Alexander, deputy director of e-Auto, disclosed some secrets to students:
Fatal Error C000021a C0000005
turns out, Kipling in his the time invented Anonymus anthem and some other bloggers
(especially, of course, the third verse is dedicated to all lovers of potsitirovat Bulgakov and other
"classics", in 99% of cases, absolutely out of place, as well as all the inept trolls).
"Road Song of Bandar-log"
Here we go in a flung festoon, Half-way up to the jealous moon! Don’t you envy our pranceful bands? Don’t you wish you had extra hands? Wouldn’t you like if your tails were–so– Curved in the shape of a Cupid’s bow? Now you’re angry, but–never mind, Brother, thy tail hangs down behind! Here we sit in a branchy row, Thinking of beautiful things we know; Dreaming of deeds that we mean to do, All complete, in a minute or two– Something noble and wise and good, Done by merely wishing we could. We’ve forgotten, but–never mind, Brother, thy tail hangs down behind! All the talk we ever have heard Uttered by bat or beast or bird– Hide or fin or scale or feather– Jabber it quickly and all together! Excellent! Wonderful! Once again! Now we are talking just like men! Let’s pretend we are ... never mind, Brother, thy tail hangs down behind! This is the way of the Monkey-kind. Then join our leaping lines that scumfish through the pines, That rocket by where, light and high, the wild grape swings. By the rubbish in our wake, and the noble noise we make, Be sure, be sure, we’re going to do some splendid things! | Long garland sometimes night we sweep between the earth and the moon. You are not jealous of our jumps, Jumpy tapes and more than hands? You're not dreaming, so that your tail like a tight Bow Cupid, was arched? mad vain you, Brother! Nonsense! with flexible tail and the trouble does not matter! We are raising an incredible noise. Head Our swollen from doom! Thousands of affairs we face - We we finish them for a couple of minutes. Ah, how wise we are! Oh, how nice! All that we can, we create from the heart. all the forgotten We Brothers? Nonsense! with flexible tail and the trouble does not matter! Before we donesutsya words Stork, mice, bees, or a lion, skins or feathers - we are their differences, Immediately join in quickly and scream! Bravo! Bravissimo! Well, ka go again! We like people who know how to talk! We are not pretenders, Brother. Nonsense! with flexible tail and the trouble does not matter! Shines for We monkey star! Rather rows somknemsya, avalanche swept through the forest, Like bunches of bananas swinging on branches, soaring over the smooth trunks. For all we have leftovers, so what! We cramps horrible faces! vain laugh! We skip on the palms toward great things! |
Plan A Menu With King Crab
Board of Directors of the Bank's IFC decided to appoint Oksana Lifar for the post of Chairman of the Board. Previously, she served as First Deputy Chairman of the Board, which oversees issues of IFC's client business.
With the change of Chairman of the Strategy банка не изменится: "МФК продолжит следовать своим ключевым направлениям деятельности, таким как предоставление банковских услуг корпоративным customers, with an emphasis on business development of special situations, maintenance of wealthy private clients, as well as work in the financial markets "- says Oksana Lifar.
Biography O. Lifar:
In 1991 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys with a degree in economics and organization metallurgical industry. " Professional career began in 1990 in the joint Soviet-American enterprise "Sovamtest" where she worked as an intern as an economist, economist, and then - the chief accountant. Between 1993 and 1995. worked at KB, Russian Credit in various positions: Head of Economic Department, Deputy Head of Department for maintenance of large clients, Office Manager Private Banking, Head Office development of banking services. In 1995 he moved to ONEKSIM Bank, where she worked as a deputy and later head of client relations.
In 2000 she was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rosbank. In this role, oversaw the development of such activities as maintenance private wealthy clients. Oksana Lifar pioneered the formation of Private Banking in Russia, she managed to create an effective unit, under control which were more than 1.5 billion dollars of private individuals.
From 2009 to February 2011 was the First Deputy Chairman of the Board "International financial club." In its jurisdiction were questions of development and coordination of the Bank's work with major corporate and wealthy private clients.
In 2008 she was awarded the Order of Catherine the Great II degree. Married, four children.Sunday, February 13, 2011
Personal Statement For Dental Hygiene
of Orthodoxy with rossiyanskim person:
unclear how Kholmogorova until the pile was not invited
c other hand, the scoffers among this high degree as to put it mildly - of Protestantism? when, as a reaction on gospravoslavie that chokes in foil and exterior, defiantly flouted all any and all "exterior" and decency, and this already and words can not say, because they are free-thinkers and rebels that have any feedback to the share of criticism for the attack is perceived from the fact "Catholic" camp (too many times run up).
a question - what then is the format to follow? answer here I see only one - NO. And in general, Of course,
thus, for any CPI, I think, generally can not be a "marketing", but negative on the verge of hipsterskogo. Type of ad in the newspaper: "True-Orthodox Church, I will not say where I will not say who, themselves looking for, but be warned - we will not like it, but you gave us all the more ".
And it's true!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Sample Letter Of Announcement Of New Scanner
started a twitter (also alexakarpov), mainly thanks to the discovery
update: instead of tweets quote, it tweets a link to a special tsitatohranilische on Amazon. strange. click once - to the same quote when such small - it is for the Internet very much, especially now, when all are sitting on smartphones. It will be necessary kudanada report (by the way, our team just has one of the services, which is responsible for integration with social networks - but I think not for the nature of specific interactions, but in general).
Starting Frozen Yogurt
took it into his head to change yuzerneym more human. akarpov, unfortunately, someone else is already taken, but nevertheless
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decided to learn from history via podcast:
entry very much and caused a trust)
Monday, February 7, 2011
Hand Sanitizer Kill Herpes
but interesting entry and discussion:
even very intelligent and decent people turn into a rather unpleasant companions if they leaped religious fanaticism (in this case, religion - the humanistic militant atheism). Record headlined - "Economic roots of slavery," and at the end the author asks why, when all seems to be under the same conditions in medieval (and later) to Europe was not slavery?
mystery, indeed, an impossible for a man who refuses to see in Christianity anything except the dark and bloody suppression of freedoms Institute, plantations of obscurantism and so on, say, that I do not think if
for the rest of the answer is quite obvious - in Europe, slavery was not because of Christianity. Well, could not one Christian to hold another Christian in slaves. Feudalism, even the most dismal - it is not slavery. Demand something for slaves, especially in the New World, of course, was - and the slave trade was, and it was, of course, very bad, even from a Christian perspective, and not that of the humanist. Such slavery was possible because naked black heathen really did not think the people (or people, but the descendants of the biblical Ham). In the best case - for the potential of people. And, of course, the people and organizations who were by now a little closer to Christianity (such as the Jesuits), tried, for the most part, to pay "savages" in Christianity, and even then burn them to people and give them freedom. And who was farther away from Christianity - the ones on the contrary, have preferred to have ten slaves, ten brothers. They and their fellow enslaved, give them free - but it was Christianity that they will not come on!
sad at the same time, watch the reaction of the interlocutors - Christianity as an evil force is such a sacred cow that our pompous intellectuals at a meeting with the enemy of the cow is very frisky lose over a control, begin to jeer, sneer, and mortally offended by wikipedia ( # Slavery_in_the_Americas ) and offer to read books.
PS: the link can also read about the excommunication by Pope Eugene IV slavers from the church, angry message against slavery by Pope Paul III, the story of the struggle of Jesuits and other Catholics against traffickers in South America, and so on.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Post Viral Fatigue Alcohol
- do not know how it is in Russian is called - "series"? Serials, I thought, is called a format, when series into a series of stretches and unfolds the story (as the Mexican and Brazilian soap operas later), but lately everywhere, and to the west and the east, everyone is looking "show" when a single extended plot (storyline, as there called) or not at all, or it well, very slow. Who's watching - he himself knows, this is for those who not looking explanation.
So, I'm a very long time no show did not look. It is understandable - there was no time, all the time outside of school and work, I was playing on the computer. But when stopped play (one and a half years ago), I began to look a little bit of these shows. It started with a quite reasonable request of his wife, that we do something together entertaining (as we had played together in, say, World of Warcraft). At the moment we somehow watched three: Doctor Who, House MD, and Big Bang Theory.
But is not the point. The fact is that every from the show I had a same curious shift in perception. At some point I discovered that I watch these shows as a series, that is, as if it were serial films. In other words, as if in front of me was the beginning of a story that is unfolding before my eyes, and has, as any normal history, the beginning and end of isolation. In "House," for example, I was waiting for love Do House Dr. Cameron, in "Big Bang" - Have a great love for Penny and Leonard. That is, as happens in fairy tales - "... and they were married, and I've been there, honey, beer drinking, his mustache dripping, and the mouth is not horrible." Lived happily ever after and died in one day. In other words, I believe in the story, sympathetic characters, and I was certainly interesting, but what they all ended. But the show is something not end there - for the first season is second, for the second - third, and so on and so forth. Not that I did not know it - knew from watching "House", which is already the seventh, and signed a contract for one or two. But somehow I had not pondered. Noticed that after watching the third season of "House" was somehow not very interesting, and then the same thing happened with the "Big Bang", as before with "Doctor Who". It was only during the fourth season of "Big Bang" until I suddenly realized - as well as there is no spoon! I also deceived, that is, I was deceived! There is no Leonard and Penny, in which all will be, or nothing will happen. Here's the hobbit Frodo is, and even Harry Potter is, because what's the real story, which began and ended when the author finished the story . But Dr. Gregory Hausa no. I find it hard to explain what difference I mean - but suddenly it became clear that Leonard and Penny will be hanging in limbo exactly the seasons and episodes, many of the show will last in some there, "Top" or longer, or earlier. And then they just collapsed, but it would no longer be as important as it will end, because it is not history, it is cheating workers some!
That's the "House" - at first I really liked it, but as soon as he broke up his team at the end of the third season, I realized - opa, yes it is cheating! Now I am a season will show how he is gaining a new team, then another two seasons of them will suck out all the entertaining potential ... and, again, so be it continue until the show hangs in the top.
And then I thought - and yet this paradigm, when the show (call them stories, I can not) just playing until the game, and there, while watching it, and because of what it looks - it's a very right for the new, post-Christian world. There is no "history" because There is no meaning in life. There is no end, because there is no beginning. Just as some atoms are grouped together, and one can extract pleasure. This same story always ends in death - a hero dies in the end, either immediately after the end ("lived happily ever after and died in one day"). The Christian world, ie history told by the Bible ends with the Last Judgement, and Eternity, we do not know how the story will end, but she has already completed, because the author, outside of time, "Already" knows the end, though actors are not finished yet to make their free choice. But the main thing - it's all true stories, which care , look we do or do not watch. You may like or dislike "The Lord of the Rings," but the end product of the will of its author, and it ended as every life ends.
udate: Or, if very briefly: Imagine that you're talking to some person, and he has a good sense of humor, and the conversation seems to be interesting ... but suddenly you are at some point realize that conversation leads nowhere . Your companion does not want anything you say. He just wants to talk , and you listen. It was listened to, and not heard , because there is no telling which one would have to pass and, therefore, to hear. Endless smalltalk. And when people aware that this is happening to him - here he is faced with a choice to stop this "conversation", or forget about his discovery, and just have fun from the conversation.
Perhaps, in a sense, this selection - the quintessence of the issue of religious faith.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Industrial Rabbit Cage
of this article , compiled by our Metropolitan (Boston) Ephraim, like this story:
one monk was severely overpowered sexual lust. When he had almost despaired of, the demon told him that the obstacle to path to victory is that the monk venerated icons of the Virgin (supposedly the same woman) and that you only stop doing it, and everything will turn out. The monk was troubled and went consult with his spiritual father, but he said he'd rather sleep with all the prostitutes in the brothels of Syria, than to enter into such a transaction.
In article, it was used in the sense that we should not please us to boast ascetic exploits of heretics), although moral of the story is probably a little wider )
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Christian Slogans For 2010
moved into a new apartment, after two weeks of work, too, move, and I'll be there at all to walk.
is probably the most fashionable of all the building in which I've ever lived. all the "common room" free vayfay, gymnasium, billiard saloon with a small library. Above the head concierge screen, where drawn, who came to make. Is there a website where you can track what free washing machines were in the laundry room - even emeyl from the washing machine You can get it! ))
How Much Does Forks, Knifes And Plates Cost
Now I'm thirty years old again, I seem to imagine a young man with a built up a worldview, and to Yeltsin'm still bad but not as a man who is something out there a great ruined, but as a man who ten years of his presidency, devoted consistent elimination all the democratic gains left over from the eighties, the founder of the failure in the history of Russian state and the person responsible for including current troubles experienced by Russian society. Parliamentary system, freedom of the media, private business - it is not Yeltsin, Gorbachev is. Yeltsin - a revolution and dictatorial constitution of 1993, a rigged election in 1996, bombed Grozny and other nastiness.
here by the way, yes. That is, I'm not an expert, and very may be that where a lot of mistaken - but here, too, when I was young tifaretovtsem five years ago, hated Yeltsin for what "great falls apart." And now agree with Kashin, it turns out.
about just now, suddenly realized that we had with Kashin peers)
Monday, January 31, 2011
Do Dark Sodas Cause Kidney Stones
in the network are any disputes about the standard of education. He so-so. Moreover, a number of points infuriates me, especially compulsory subjects and Training OBZH. But.
I recall my high school in those "golden" Soviet years, when "we had the best education in the world."
's screaming that we want to transform the gray trash, I myself think so. Just where did that gray floppy mass, called the Russian people? She was not born from scratch. This - the vast majority of my classmates, who are such in the very same Soviet school.
wrote also a teacher, had on me the greatest influence in my years of protracted childhood)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Last Will And Testimony
good article (in 2006, that everything has already been confirmed repeatedly, although, of course, it to the year for decades confirmed):
If protection system, in which the opposition has no access to the media, in which government can remove the unwanted candidates from registration, to arrest the oligarchs who displease the president, etc., to declare the protection of the "Russian civilization "and add to this defense of the Orthodox faith, and" human dignity ", it turns out not so bad. authoritarian state needs the church, ready to oppose the human rights of its "dignity", which is contrary to the tolerance of homosexuality and permit abortion, but does not contradict election fraud and media censorship. And churches need an authoritarian state, from which - all material goods, and will protect it from the infidels who are trying проповедовать русским и отбирать паству.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
F Piece Adapter Washing Machine
Originally posted by
Я против appearance Internet police in Estonia, in any form or under any pretext.
is that the same kind of miserable Estonia earlier Northern Nigeria creates Internet police? " There will not be that!
.38 S & W Special Model 36 Value
endure comments from a beautiful song (in English). Kipling's verse on "Ganga Din, very famous.
Original verse: # 2H_4_0007
second option, a little simpler, but no worse:
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Woman With Big Boos In Heels
turns out, Kipling, in the original word of God is often spelled Gawd. I think such writing is a modern slang (cf. dawg) - but not, for example:
When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An 'go to your Gawd like a soldier.
Go, go, go like a soldier,
Go, go, go like a soldier,
Go, go, go like a soldier,
So-oldier of the Queen!
( The Young British Soldier, Rudyard Kipling )
yet found a funny euphemism for "blooming", this very Zamesto:
You 'avn't got no brothers, fathers, sisters, wives, or sons-
If you want to win your battles take an 'work your bloomin' guns!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Thickness Of Ohio's Driver's License
Today was a day that began very well indeed! Even
not lifted from my bed but still awake by the alarm clock turn on my dirty PC (yes I sleep with the PC in the bed) to start listening, and not always existed motivated to go in the shower I did a little tour of twitter, all while half-awake of course!
And I open the pictures mechanically links on twitter and Jay what do I see .... something that woke me live lol!
Jay tshirt with MY! The one that I offered him when I saw it in Singapore!! It was one of three tshirt that I offered, I am so so happy, and more throughout the day fell more photos for my greatest pleasure.
My Gifts:
(I hope he has eaten the cake and uses the perfume to feel good!)
I contenteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee plus it's true that this is the first time he wears that color and the fans are unanimous that it's fine! Mouarffffffffffffffffffff I think he has over his 1987 PCQ y '(our) birth year!
As in Korea right now that means he took with him from Seattle to Korea I will plan lol (yeah ok I back down to earth it's just a tshirt !) But it's weird to say which one is the guy fan has the tshirt that I have chosen (and I spent 10 000 years to choose)
Well, it would be cool to put that other one day too, I hope they will definitely both PCQ pilpoil there is its size! Good
the excitement of this past moment this morning I re looked at the pictures and there by cons I'm glad he still has a new tattoo! .... So it be done after 3 this summer, he made a new earlier this month and 2 new this week T_T it's ugly!
His body was so beautiful now there are plenty of ugly tattoo (aside the one in the back and behind the ear). Should he stopped his bullshit> _ \u0026lt;
Bon otherwise the drama it is 1am and I crave chocolate at home I just mashed rice, ham and quark, nothing attractive or sweet, it kills me, then I will like that y'ai kinds of handset or I can get rapidos buy something to eat I like !
Monday, January 17, 2011
Best Car Insurance Rates, Living In Toronto
Wow it's been a while since I last posted here> _ \u0026lt;
I just watched my last post, so since I have ben got my new phone, I opted for the Samsung S Galaxy a little jewel love! But
good thing is that there is evil all the time on the internet during the blow to his mail checker lol.
Good side courses I attacked the last stage I still only 5 weeks (yessssssssssss)
But they are hard because we have a project pro super balèze to go for of professionals (for those interested I remake Strategy SEO & SEM a Vacation rental site and building a website T_T)
Finally I take this opportunity tonight to post and say I'm not dead anyway because I can not have too much work also head-_-
Stage *************************** *********** *******************
I normally do my internship at 6-month study in Seoul!
* Confetti * launched
Bon Seoul was not my priority priority was having a good internship, and as some people seem to believe I bring luck, PCQ c is a very good course and Seoul!!
Well I get up on my high horse but I hope that by my arrival there (in 2 months) nothing is going crap and I'm really going to go!
Otherwise in pretty Y'avait Kdrama Marry me mary me but hey I have not decided which one chose the heroine at the end ... My princess
which began recently is really nice (with the Kikwang Beast hehe) It's Ok
Dady girl! who has a little trouble to start the first 2 episodes and bof is clearly not a comedy but a drama, but is super touching as history and Donghae often cry when you cry too lol
And finally, the drama "stew" of the season but addictive I named Dream High, the cast is zero, history is zero, the lead actress is zero (and others that will play TAEC e ; astonishment well), there's 2PM so it sucks, but strangely I did my strange watching the episode 1 and since I'm waiting impatiently episode 5.
So that's a good stew that relaxes so well and we love watching!
Finally if you do have to remember that it's Secret Garden (and I think all those who saw her agree!)
Finally I wanted to share with those who do not know 2 songs that I'm addicted now! The G
solo dragon with lyrics but the music glauquissime terrible!
Infinite And the last of which I understood nothing of the clip XD (thank you Laura for explanations) but the song is addictive and I love choreography!
PS: Syl 'I'm sorry for not having responded to your text message before the vaccine, but anyway it's great that you've taken in your school, should we celebrate it!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Hp Mouse Dongle Replacement
that's strange, when I was in the distant childhood reading Russian translation of "Jungle Book", there seems to be no poetry. In the original, each book begins a poem. This is such a very Good - do not know anyone on the existence of the Russian translation? I would like to compare, quick search on Google found nothing:
His spots are the joy of the Leopard: his horns are the Buffalo's pride -
Be clean, for the strength of the hunter is known by the gloss of his hide.
If ye find that the Bullock can toss you, or the heavy-browed Sambhur can gore;
Ye need not stop work to inform us; we knew it ten seasons before.
Oppress not the cubs of the stranger, but hail them as Sister and Brother,
For though they are little and fubsy, it may be the Bear is their mother.
"There is none like to me!" says the Cub
in the pride of his earliest kill;
But the Jungle is large
and the Cub - he is small.
Let him think and be still.