I'm kind of sad, one of my brother went to N.Y 2 days ago for at least 3 months maybe more ... Even if when we are together we always fight, I feel a little bit lonely without him. And I'm jealous I admit it.XD I want to go to NY tooooooooo!!!! Even if I've travelled a lot around the world I never been to NY, I need to go there it seems so great!
So on the other hand, my other brother had a lot of tip at work those days, that's why he decided to go at a shop close to his work and brought back to home some delicacies (=^o^=)
Macaroons !!!! from La Durée (famous pastry)
t's really good goal it's not my favorite dessert or candy, and one of 'em really WAS weird "petal of pink ".... And Above All of That I can not understand Why Such A Little Thing Like That IS SO expensive ...
And since I did a little input I take this opportunity to express my criticism of cinema XD
Alice in Wonderland : Good Me I loved but hey it's clear that sometimes c is strange, but just for Johnny Depp it's worth it!
All that glitters: Well I was told it was a bit of gender " Comme t'y est belle" qui était franchement bien. Mais là non quoi, c'est un peu marrant, mais aussi pas mal lourd, on comprend pas où ils veulent en venir enfin pas top vraiment.
And you think I have forget ... But NO!
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