Thursday, February 18, 2010

Eczema Under Eyes, Aveno

?, Chinese horoscope

Tonight I watched the last SC and I didn't understand one word ... of course Taipi's answer ... even when he said it, I can't understand ... So if someone could help me ... It's the word after 趣味   (thanks Blue)

Sometimes it's better while you don't understand ... When Taisuke have to said what is his leisure activity he answered something like : "Have a long bangs"... Hopeless Taisuke!!! I think that's why I love him XD 

During this talk I was laughing the whole time, thanks to the girl who wrote this letter (d'ailleurs Stéphanie elle avait le même pseudo que toi Kisumaisuki XDDD avoue c'était toi !!!).
I was surprised by Senga's leisure activity but ... why not XD!
And during the ending it was fun because they were again with their skates and they were all really tall except ... Hiro XDDDD Even with his skate he is shorter than others juniors without XDDDDD

Anyway, I typed some chinese horoscope for 2010 but only in french, if you want to read some of them feel free to ask me a translation!
It's boys horoscopes

Donc voilà comme ma cousine m'avait demandé de lui envoyer par mail l'horoscope Chinese for 2010 a few years and especially for the guys, and now I have everything typed the horoscope for eitos and some others ...
It gives us a preview of 2010 for them XD well yes it is so true lol horoscopes

Rooster (1981) Subaru, Yoko
The new business will be good, yet the & rsquo ; mood of 2010 will remain cautious. In the course of years, it will change some elements of its surroundings: it is a sign of evolution. All accomplished without excessive friction. Again, progress. On the heart, it opens at times by touches ...

Dog (1982) Hina
improvements across the board. Misunderstanding that ruined his best moments dissipate through dialogue. In the professional field, he will broaden his skills. Luck will serve on the heart, a meeting open to him avenues lined with flowers.

Pig (1983) Maru
trips broaden horizons are. He needs space to exist on just-level work within four walls is not for him. In May, her business will reserve exciting discoveries. Generous, he will participate in humanitarian activities.

Rat (1984)
Ryo, Shota, Jin, Takahiro
Fleeing unnecessary stress, he will have ample opportunity to hone his political acumen and will reach its intended purposes. In love, there will be a conqueror, Don Juan itself, but ... discreet.

Ox (1985) Tada, Hiro, Pi
It will do as he pleases, and that he will succeed! Business side, he'll develop his gifts ... and reap the rewards. Despite some tough competition in the program, it will conduct its business with a great spirit of independence. In love, her natural seduction exercised freely but not abuse it!

Tiger (1986 )
❤ For him, 2010 is the year of all chips. It will work in the plume, bold ideas. He will send you a statement burning in June or July. Public good, it all applaud your efforts.

Hare / Chat (1987)
Taisuke, Makidai
Hostile to the routine, it nevertheless agree to submit to a certain discipline to stimulate creativity. Later career, his style will be appreciated. He will succeed thanks to a new breath of irresistible (May and June). On the heart it will be rather light, see fluttering.

Lily back tomorrow with stuff for me I can not wait! J cons by the shop's no photo of the official countdown Uchi sucks> __ \u0026lt;
And then I'll see Yin & Tif to go to a "Korean session" evening canned sound on Korean gonna be funky! " I can not wait!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Women Wearing Tight Bathing Suits

kiwoui @ 2010-02-18T03: 18:00

I just found one of those things I want too T___T

I really, really want this, Why I Went To Japan When There Was not Those kind of Pocky Gold Fram only weird gold disgusting flavor ... WWHHHYYY?? ; ___ ;

Hébergement photos
Hébergement photos

Hébergement photos

Why me I have never seen or Kit Kat Pocky like that when I am in Japan and they always come out the weird stuff like chocolate not good for black raspberry (but so bitter that it dégeu), the kit kat Blue (Japanese ...), lemonade or milk pocky (it looked like fermented milk ; the trick ...) or green tea ... Well I know if I will like the Kit Kat Kiwi Kiwi Pocky but I read that they were too good * I * veuuuuux
No but it's Fran who disgust me the most, I did not think that there were other flavors that basic but it apparently, not as much as Pocky but there's been nice flavors What air as the Banana Milk here!!

Lily I think it's too late but if you see this before you go get me a packet of Makidai Fran chocolate or strawberry Pliiiizzzz I miss it too much longer before I type my frans dramas XD (TOPO death lol)
* You see I do not sleep I pray that you place ais ^__^*

Otherwise I just saw for the umpteenth Heat Up time and this is the first time I captured it the KMF2 y 'in the concert, but frankly we see them at all, even in times when there are juniors. This is unfortunate because Kanjuu ADB and we see them well, too bad. At the end Hina Daisuke call "Mister D" XDDDD! So there in two weeks is the third concert of eitos that I rebuilt and it remains my favorite anyway, but if I have time this weekend I'm getting the 47, see if that dethroned him!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Pain Between Shoulder Blades Tingling Feet

School, cooking, taisuking ...

........ I'm still on vacation!! Yes XD just a month after my return from vacation yet!

Holiday I'm in!! Yes, again, only one month after my return!

already Good I wanted to thank those who helped me during my exams it is correcting my records, or even encouraging me to support me, me and my anxiety before oral XD So thank you all, especially Lily, Sohr who typed the correct folder that complicated! But also to other ^ __ ^ I have not yet
all my results or my "ballot" yes I'm kidding but I have a Master report, it made me laugh when I have learned this. But it is a good school that seems logical. I mean just my rough and my ranking so ....
I'm 11th out of 45 students and I between 14.6 and 15 medium-General ^ __ ^ Honestly I am so happy this came up there so that unlike I have other students or a tourism curriculum or language or business, it does! And another good thing that I probably prevent me from being fully in my studies ... the eitos ... and Taisuke ... >___\u0026lt; At least I am aware mais bon moi je peux pas bosser 4h tous les soirs j'ai besoin du fandom et d'une vie sociale pour mon équilibre psychologique XD

So I want to thanks all the people who helped me and supported me during my exam, especially Lily and Sohra who were be lucky enought to correct my  project!! I don't have all my results yet but I know the grading of the classe and I'm 11th on 45 students, that's good and I'm happy because for me it's totally news studies, when I went in this school I knew nothing unlike the other and actually I'm not that bad ! I also know that I should work more to have better results but I can't. I really need to have a social life, to go out, and Spend time in fandom, it's for my personal scale.

Saturday was the birthday of my mother and suddenly I decided to make the meal. I do not know what came over me PCQ I really hate cooking. As it took me later I had no time to go to the other end of Paris to buy enough to make traditional Serbian cuisine, so, I took what I had in me and I threw myself into a curry and a crumble, it's pretty simple cons that made me full of stuff I was jaded paring XD
Le curry arraché bie mais c'est meilleur comme ça et le Crumble aux pommes lui était parfait bien bourratif par contre !!!

Hébergement photos Hébergement photos
Hébergement photos   

On Saturday it was my mum's birthday so I decided to cook and I made a curry and an apple crumble. The curry was strong but good and the cake was just delicious !!! But I spent too much time to make only that... I hate cooking !!!XD
My brother gave me a little present : polish ! A blue one and a black one!!! So now if I find a green one I can have an eito nail polish collection XD (even if yellow aim is Not really yellow gold XD)

My brother gave me a small gift as he went shopping for my mother's birthday, he bought me the varnish the coup! He bought me a blue and black. So
looked at my collection now:

It goes well I have to find a green or it will not do it I almost eitos full there!! Ok it is not yellow gold ... But I admit that the green paint ... I would wear not often I think XD The best anyway All these varnishes is the Hina (Hina PCQ is a plum actually XD)

Taisuke Otherwise ....
Ah Tai-chan .... you disappoint me! It really lacks creativity and loves to copy her sempai now XD But then I say no >___\u0026lt; Jin Makes his glasses!
! Why
Tai-chan why?? Frankly at this time that he disappoint me ... between her hair and it XD As Hiro beam it all with his thoughts!

Last Things a little picture of Taisuke Who Stole the Whyyyy XD Jin's sunglasses?? And at the bottom "There Is Some video about a year of're beautiful actor was really really good K-drama. It's Hwang Tae Kyung / Jang Geun Suk dancing Tektonik Who is XD!

And to finish this entry quite useless XD (and yes I'm in Tif RTL on my lj now that I have no forum to express myself and you should do the same potato !)

You're beautiful I finished it 's one week and it was very long since I had not seen a drama so funny, it's worth nearly Coffee Prince! (Coffee Prince is unbeatable but for me ... Goong Yoo would have it) So our dear
Hwang Kyung Tae, or the Prince in Hong Gil Dong (his pet name Jang Geun Suk) who dances on the Ca m tektonik XDDDD 'has been laughed, but I love the loose tektonik!

Jang geun suk

Monday, February 1, 2010

Buy Ice Skates In Dubai

~ ~ This is the fêteeeuuu

Well after a wonderful day ... shitty one more, when my eye infection continues to increase, and where I wanted to kill myself with all the ultra boring course I've had, and a ton of practice on direct mail ... Some stuff came
brighten my day!

So after a wonderful day ... so long and boring, With Too Many hours of boring classes and Other Bad Stuff, Some Things succeeds to turn in my day a good day!

First exile have won the Artist of the Year at the Billboard Awards! Ok not all alone but they also won another prize MySpace
Top Pop Artists 2009: EXILE, Kobukuro, AI, Remioromen
Album of the Year 2009: EXILE, "EXILE BALLAD BEST" Hiro
And the leader has announced that they were highly motivated and went for a tour this year and lots of other things !!!!! And Lily
> look who else has won!
Adult Contemporary of the Year 2009: Black Eyed Peas, "I Gotta Feeling"

So first I Learnt That Won Some EXILE price in Billboard Top of 2009 artist and album of the Year. I'm really happy for them! And the leader Hiro Said "We're going to do a stadium tour this year, and are definitely thinking of Other big things too! Yesssss! And after my dear
SOHR send me an email Düring my race (because i can not check lj Düring school XD) and that's how I Learned pour la Kisuma turn! I'm so glad and proud of boys! The concert halls are bigger than last lap!

And what SOHR m "learned while I was over (yes it is wrong to mail checker its current XD) Kisuma make the tour! and not small rooms like bumpkins on tour this winter! Less good than the previous day but I'm happy for them, PCQ like that they are not of stumbled tackey (So it will not try to kill Hiro XD) and in addition it means that it works well for them! By
cons of reactions to it made me laugh though fans of the genre of news items are persuaded that Kisuma will replace the News XDD It's not comparable at all and it works not as ç , a! But I smell the beginning of the sudden I wonder if grandpa did not put the date of the tour so soon pcqu'il plans to repeat this year Playzone!

Saturday I went to see Clint Eastwood Invicius with Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon and I seriously urge you it is awesome!

Unrelated to this weekend I Went to see Invicius With Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon's and it WAS a really good movie! If You Can Watch It!

Voili, voilou if tomorrow I will be finally be set on the box in which I am doing my internship and whether or not I have a chance to do in Japan (at the very limit if I'm not in Japan there 's plenty of other stuff that I kicking well in Paris)