[J-Web Tacchon] 2006.05.18 folder Ohkura Tadayoshi
This serious incident happened long ago
That day, place of registration was SukaJ in a metropolitan area
After hearing several stories of various precious guests, I started to here
When I arrived at the rental location one hour I had free time, then j ' I absently read magazines and I took a nap to pass the time
This made her so long that I could not take matters into dilettante
Maybe because I was too careless, my cold has worsened from the previous day
During the night, I did not stop making weird dreams and I woke up frightened an incalculable number of times
I did not understand what the content was, but in my dream, I moved
I worried for my carrier so I helped him move some luggage but
As I helped her move in, he yelled
"Do not move it first ~ ~
But what is more, this mover was our choreographer yo
Although I wear, that the angry
And as I suspected the same kind I got angry
"So what do I have to wear
I had mumbled
" It's in your heart
His eyes reflected an air of triumph, as if he had said something very well ....
Iya iya
What is that supposed to mean
And it was repeated again and again and again and again yo
I'm afraid not to have understood. I was drenched in sweat
Because that, I woke up and the ceiling was Gurun Gurun
Aa, it's been awhile since I had not felt this
everything I just said does not have the slightest connection with the serious incident ... ... ....
My digression was too long
I return to the main topic,
After a long time, I did
(it implies a return to the main topic)
Until fairly recently, I had not had the chance to meet this guy, but after so long, we finally met today .
But I did not realize
Had I known, I would immediately turn or avoid something like that, but I hate that, because I was excited
from this shoot
enthusiasm in work is a good thing, is not it
That shooting was completely buckled and I went back to the bus, that's where the incident occurred
My feet felt a malaise, I I looked and I immediately shouted
While I was not paying attention, I stepped on a turd
Caca Dog
dog handlers
Pick droppings
8 → 1